Science Media for Africa presents a poignant documentary shedding light on the critical issue of alcohol harm and its connection to violence against women. Through powerful storytelling and impactful visuals, this documentary uncovers the harsh realities, challenges societal norms, and calls for collective action.

Discover the Dark Side of Alcohol

Embark on a journey that exposes the detrimental effects of alcohol consumption. Through compelling interviews, real-life stories, and expert analysis, we unveil the destructive consequences of alcohol abuse on individuals, families, and communities. Witness the correlation between alcohol and violence against women and gain a deeper understanding of this pressing concern.

Unmasking the Impact on Women

This documentary unearths the unique challenges faced by women in the face of alcohol harm. Delve into the intertwined web of gender-based violence, social inequalities, and systemic issues that perpetuate this problem. Through authentic narratives and expert perspectives, we shed light on the experiences of women affected by alcohol-related harm.

Empowering Change and Inspiring Solutions

Experience the inspiring efforts of organizations, activists, and individuals dedicated to preventing alcohol harm and supporting survivors. Explore innovative community programs, policy initiatives, and support services that aim to create safer environments and provide vital resources. Witness the power of collective action as communities come together to challenge societal norms and pave the way for change.